Welcome to SBCC Study Abroad!
Welcome to your #1 destination for Santa Barbara Community College Study Abroad programs.
We are looking forward to letting you join our study abroad students on their journey abroad and providing you with great resources to plan for your once (or twice or thrice) in-a-lifetime opportunity to study in another country. Come back often as students take you around the world and share their tips for anything study abroad.
#1 advantage of studying abroad? According to our students, it's "making lifelong friends."

2017 SBCC Study Abroad staff and alumni
SBCC Study Abroad offers semester programs in the spring and fall, and short programs in the summer and winter break Courses are usually transferable to the UC/CSU system. With no major or language requirements, our programs are accessible to students in the US who are at least 18 years or older, are in good academic standing, and have successfully completed the application process for the program of choice.
Santa Barbara City College has been offering study abroad programs for more than 50 years. Since its first credit summer program in Guadalajara, Mexico in 1973, more than 6,000 SBCC students have participated in study abroad programs in approximately 20 different countries, including Spain, Greece, Italy, England, Germany, France, Mexico, Costa Rica, Indonesia, Bolivia, Australia, Chile, Argentina, China, Vietnam, Thailand, Rwanda, and Cuba.
We hope to meet you soon on one of our next programs!
Questions about our programs?
Visit our WEBSITE or call the office at (805) 730-4294 or e-mail at nwalther@pipeline.sbcc.edu.
Do you want to contribute to our blog?
If you are an SBCC Study Abroad alumni or think you have valuable or entertaining information to share relating to travel and programs abroad, you can contribute as a guest blogger!
Reach out to the Study Abroad office to submit a little bit of information about yourself, what topic you would want to contribute to the site, and include either the blog you'd like to submit or a short writing sample.
E-mail at nwalther@pipeline.sbcc.edu.