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What to Expect During the Unexpected

Hello! My name is Alannah Cetti, I am a first-year at Santa Barbara City College and I am the program blogger for this upcoming Spring 2022 study abroad trip to Rome, Italy. I am curious to see how this blog will affect my time abroad, and I am overall ecstatic to be able to experience studying out of the country. I will keep you updated!

Alannah Cetti
Alannah Cetti

Expectations, a word, and action that I have found myself using less these past two years. Graduating high school, and beginning college in a Pandemic has led me to begin living in the moment and not to rely heavily on expectations. Two of the most common responses I have received when I tell people I am studying abroad in Rome are, “That is still happening?” or “I hope you will be able to go!” Neither of these is ideal responses, but they in some way have made me more grateful to be able to study abroad and to come in with an open mind. I for one have never been to Europe as well, which means that most of my expectations come from stories, media, pictures, and movies which don't always give the most concrete ideas. With that being said, my expectations are limited, not that they are bad, but that I am going to try and soak it all in, one thing at a time.

The majority of my presumptions about the trip are less of what I will see and more of what I will gain. Since this will not only be my first time in Europe but living away for this long from home and with roommates, I will be entering a whole new environment. It may seem like a lot at once, but that is partially why I chose to do study abroad. A completely clean slate in a way, because that is how I believe I will get to know myself better. I am eager to see how I adapt to a new environment, culture, living situation, and people. This adaptation I believe will be some of the biggest lessons I will learn, and a definite development in patience.

With this big change, I am extremely excited, but of course, have a great deal of nerves about it as well. One of the effects of the pandemic is that it has led me to have more time doing things I love such as surfing, hiking, art, and reading. These activities are now grounded in my weekly routine, and keep me content. Creating a new routine in Rome is truly one of my biggest challenges and desires. I believe with a routine, whatever it may be, I will feel as if I am living in Rome, not just visiting it. Another challenge I foresee in the future on this trip is overspending on trips, clothes, food, etc. Being that Italy has a reputation for good fashion and food, I am going to have to learn how to restrain myself. There are multiple challenges ahead of me that will be presented on this trip that I won’t think of, but I am sure every single one will help me gain something new.

As I do my final preparations for this trip abroad, I feel as if it hasn’t hit me yet that I am going. This could be due to me holding my breath until I am sitting on the plane, knowing for sure that the trip is happening. Whenever or however I process, with all feelings of expectations, excitements, experiences, and challenges, the biggest emotion I have towards this trip is gratitude.

Suitcase passport and other items to bring to Rome
Getting ready to study abroad

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