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It All Started with a Cup of Coffee

Nearing the end of my 10-hour flight from LAX to Frankfurt, the flight attendant asks if I cared for a cup of coffee. I say “yes” with excitement for I have never been on a flight this long. As I sip my coffee, I look out the window, with a hazy mind, trying to figure out what I am looking at. It is not a mid-western farm, random suburbia, or an ocean but instead, it is Germany, and that is when it hit me. From that point on, everything moved in a blink of an eye. Even the fact that I now am writing this blog in my bed in Rome as the music and chatter thump through my walls, is surreal to me. This 24-hour travel day didn’t even seem to phase me for we were in Rome before I even knew it. My new theory is that the best antidote for a short travel day is excitement.

It is within the following week or more that I truly accepted my presence in Rome. For the week prior, I felt as if I was watching myself meander the streets of Italy, stopping at cute bars (cafes), gawking at the incredible ancient infrastructures that casually grace the streets, and indulging in the best pasta I have ever tasted. The moment I believe I felt as if I was present in Rome, not just watching myself as if I was dreaming, is when I went on a walk alone for the first time. It was a small moment for a local Italian, but a big one for me. I ventured into hidden ally ways discovering quaint shops carrying things that were definitely out of my budget. At this point, I had minimal skills in the basic Italian language, but I wanted people to think I was from this ancient city. I don’t think I was fooling anyone, but as a film major, I enjoyed creating the movie in my head.

Rome as a whole is a work of art. I don’t need to go to a monument to be captivated. The people can be just as mesmerizing with their fashion. Wearing formal clothing has become a norm for me and, trust me, people like to tell you if you are not hitting the mark. Although, this high standard of fashion isn’t new to me and in some ways motivates me to get out and explore. When you look good you want people to see it!

The pungent beauty and wonders that I wake up to is something I couldn’t be more grateful for. On the contrary, it can make academic inclination more difficult. This is something I am eager to develop - a steady routine - and thankfully I have great professors to help me do so.

First impressions can be tricky, but I cannot say enough good things about Rome. As things settle, I am sure I will come aware of the quirks, but as of now, I will be taking it day by day.

Did you miss Alannah's first blog? Be sure to check it out HERE.

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