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The ultimate destination for fashion and business

Known for the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, and Notre-Dame Cathedral, “the City of Light" also named Paris is SBCC Saga's favorite destination. For her, it's not just a city, it's a dream she's hoping to come true. She has not yet had the chance to visit but it's at the top of her bucket list.

Saga Hoglund
Saga Hoglund

So, what is it about Paris that Saga finds so interesting?

Three words will give the answer to that - the scenery, fashion, and opportunities. She always thought Paris is a canvas painted with captivating scenes, each more enchanting than the last. The iconic Eiffel Tower standing tall against the backdrop to the majestic Notre-Dame Cathedral makes it picture-perfect.

Also, being interested in fashion, Paris has always been an inspiration to her when thinking of the fashion industry. Major luxury brands such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton, and Dior descend from France and one of the the biggest fashion events, “Paris Fashion Week” is held here each year.

If she ever got the chance to study in Paris she would love to take a business, a fashion and a French language course. The combination of those subjects while in Paris seems interesting and she believes she would feel inspired to learn more about it. Being fluent in French would open up lots of opportunities within the French business market and who knows, for someone like Saga who has a big interest in fashion, Paris might be the perfect destination for her to start her own fashion company one day.

Breakfast table in Paris

And lastly, to all foodies out there, including Saga herself, with this delightful city comes even more delightful food. Croissants, baguettes, crème brûlée, macarons, you name it. When landing in Paris, the first thing Saga will order is a warm chocolate croissant.


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